iPod Skins
iPod Skins
All Infinity Ltd. iPod skins are designed for use with 4th Gen Mac-formatted iPods. I test them on a 20GB, but it should work fine on a 40GB. They may work with other models, but I make no guarantees and am not responsible for you frying your iPod!
Also, these skins will not work on WinDOS-formatted iPods. WinDOS users must use PodWizard.
These were made using alterPod, GraphicConverter, and Photoshop. You’ll need alterPod to install iPod skins.

sithPod is a total conversion for your iPod. The “Do not disconnect” image is replaced with Darth Vader’s head, shoot at A-Wing Fighters and their R2 droids from the Death Star in the Droid Zap game, and enjoy 3-D images as well (or the best that can be done in often 2-Bit graphics!). Celebrate Vader’s “birth” in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith! (May 24, 2005) Ideally, use this interior skin with this exterior skin on a black & red U2 iPod (Now accepting donations!)
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