Palm OS Skins
Palm Skins
- ZLauncher Skins
- ZLauncher Back Images: Low Resolution (160×160)
- ZLauncher Back Images for Tungsten|T3, &c. (450×450)
- Contacts5 Skins
- Contacts4 Skins (Obsolete)
- Icon Manager Icons
- Kinoma Movies
ZLauncher Skins (Low Res Only)
Michrome, a Ruby & Chrome skin. Background Pic included
v. 1.1 available: ZL 3.x compatibility!
Old Glory, a skin celebrating the greatest nation in the world.
ZLauncher Background Pictures (160×160)
I did it! Finally! ZZTechs wrote me and gave me this tutorial, so now I have the pics available! These are ready to install on any 160×160 lo-res Palm device. Links with no images have no images because I forgot to copy them before installing. I’ll try to get around to it, otherwise I’ll post screen shots once I find a good screen shot app/DA.
silver dragon.bmp.pdb: (Hint: This one will go well with Michrome, but it won’t be included due to ©opyright restrictions.
ZLauncher Back Images for Tungsten|T3 (450×450)
These jpegs are designed to look good on a T|T3 regardless of screen orientation, slider in or out. They should work well for Tapwave Zodiac and other models that support 320×480 portrait and landscape mode.
The Beast (AKA Hank McCoy)
T3 Superheroes: Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Storm, and the Teen Titans, all in 450×450 splendor!
T3 Backimages Collection: If you have a T3, you might as well have T3 backimages! 450×450
More Christian (LCMS)back images available here
Contacts 5 Skins
- Hi Res
- Low Res
- Hi Res
- Low Res
- Low Res
- Hi Res
For the Wyrmworks RPG designers
Old Glory
- Low Res
- Hi Res
Mac OS X
- Hi Res
- Low Res
- Hi Res
- Low Res
Note: These skins are provided as samples only. If you are using Contacts 4, you really should upgrade (Free) to Contacts 5.
Michrome, a Ruby & Chrome skin to match the ZLauncher skin
Wyrmworks: A Dragon skin
Icon Manager Icons
Compatible with DateBk5, HandyShopper, Agendus, and PDA Performance apps made after February, 2004.
OS X iCons: A collection of Hi Res icons based on my OS X Applications Folder content
ILtd Low Res Icons 1.1: A collection of icons I made before I upgraded to a Tungsten|T3.
Kinoma Movies
(Temporarily unavailableI forgot to back these up before switching servers. Oops!) The original 1984 Macintosh commercial
Nightmare After Just got new software for the kids, but config.sys? A Macintosh commercial.
think The award-winning “Think Different” Macintosh commercial. “Here’s to the crazy ones….”
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